A safe place to have fun and meet new people.
New to the group?
Welcome! Q-Club is a group for LGBTQIA2S+ youth and allies 13-18. If you are interested in joining the group, please reach out! Contact us.
Once you register for Q-Club you will gain access to the Q-Club discord and can join our hangout group every Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm
About Q-Club
Identity creates a safe space to hangout, meet new people, and participate in fun activities like arts and crafts, games, and movie nights!
Group Details
Meeting Information
Q-Club is a weekly virtual social group facilitated by Identity.
The hang-outs are open to all LGBTQIA2S+ teens and allies ages 13-18. We meet at 6-7:30pm on Thursdays on the Q-Club voice channel. Identity's Community Discord Server and q-club meet-ups provide a comfortable space for LGBTQIA2S+ youth and allies to learn, meet friends, and have fun!
Age Range
Q-Club is for youth ages 13-18. You can still join the Identity discord server if you are not in the age range for Q-Club. You just won’t be added to the #youth channels, but you will have access to all of our community channels.
How to Attend
After you register you can come to any Q-Club meet-up. Just show up!
What to Expect
Q-Club is a small digital gathering of usually 1-10 youth where we hang out, check-in, and participate in activities such as arts & crafts, movie nights, and skill building! Youth are welcome to hang out and not participate in activities if they choose not to. Everyone is expected to follow group expectations which are listed below. There is always a trained adult facilitator present.
Group Expectations
Youth programs are a safe space for LGBTQIA2S+ youth and allies 13-18. In order to create a safe space, participants must be aware of and follow these group expectations.
For safety and liability purposes all Q-Club participants must register for Q-Club using the designated Google form before participating in Q-Club
No PDA – Hand holding and brief hugs are okay, but no other forms of PDA are acceptable
No drugs or alcohol
Be kind to others – don’t shame, bully, or exclude people
Be respectful of people’s identities – Ask people’s pronouns and what labels and terms they are comfortable with – don’t assume.
Be respectful of people’s boundaries – Always ask before touching people, touching their items, being in their personal space, etc.
Be mindful of talking about triggering topics. If you would like to talk about something that might be potentially triggering, please ask the group beforehand.
Please do not use hateful speech or swear words. Discord will automatically filter and delete messages that use certain terms, but this expectation also applies to in-person youth programs.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns you can message a facilitator/admin on Discord, bring it up on one of the Discord channels, or email identitycomms@identityinc.org.
Questions or concerns?
Message an admin or facilitator on discord or send us an email.