Amending ID Documents

If you need support throughout this process, Identity Health Clinic offers a Legal Support Group. Please reach out to the clinic at or 907-865-3247 for more information.

Step 1: Request a Name and Gender Change

Forms: the two forms you are REQUIRED to fill out to legally change your name: a petition for name change and a report for name change (type or use black/blue ink when filling out these documents). 

  • Situational forms:

    • exemption of payment fees here – without this exemption, it costs $150 to file the change of name request

    • Waive the publication of name change (for personal safety) here – without this, your name will likely be published in a newspaper or online.

Locate the probate court of the county you live in here. If you live in Anchorage, the address is 825 West 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501.

Take the two required forms, $150.00, and either – or both – of the other two documents that may be relevant to your situation to file at your local court. 

After you have filed at the local court office, you will then receive a letter in the mail that will include a confirmation and date of your court hearing (which will be at least 40 days after the time you filed the documents) 

  • While waiting for your court date, begin the process of getting a doctor to sign this form if you are changing your name AND updating the gender marker on your Driver’s License. 

Court hearing: this should be relatively short; they want to make sure you aren’t changing your name to avoid debt or defraud anyone.   

After the judge approves your name and/or gender marker change the court will give you two copies of the certificate that proves you legally changed your name and/or gender. It is recommended you pay to get two or three extra copies in order to update other official documents like SSN or DL.

You have 30 days after you receive a legal name change to update your license. 

**Detailed instructions for this process can be found here and if you are a guardian of a child needing to correct name & gender marker,  specific instructions for the child’s name change here

Step 2: Update Your Social Security Card

Find your local Social Security office here and make an appointment (Anchorage’s is: Room A11 222 W 8th Ave Anchorage AK 99513)

Fill out the application for a Social Security card 

When completing the form SS-5, list your new court-ordered name.

To correct your SSN’s gender marker bring one of the following:

  • A signed letter from a doctor on letterhead showing appropriate clinical treatment – the doctor must use this template 

  • A valid 10-year passport showing your updated gender: instructions on how to update the gender marker on your passport here 

  • A birth certificate showing your updated gender: instructions for Alaska birth certificate laws here (scroll down the page to find “Alaska birth certificate laws”)

  • A court order recognizing a change of gender 

  • To correct your name, bring one of the certified copies of your name change

    • All documents you submit must be either originals or copies certified by the issuing agency. The SSA won’t accept photocopies or notarized copies of documents.

  • If not born in the US bring proof of immigration status 

  • Bring all relevant documents to the closest Social Security office

Step 4: Update Passport / Birth Certificate


  • Find the closest location to correct your gender/name markers on your passport in person here

  • Instructions for updating gender marker on passport

Birth Certificate:

*This is more complicated than updating your passport and often your passport can be used in place of a birth certificate; it’s not necessary to update both.

  • Fill out an Alaska birth certificate request form 

  • To correct a birth certificate’s gender marker, obtain a letter from a medical or mental health provider attesting to appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition. 

  • To update the name, bring a certified copy of the Decree of Name Change

  • To update the gender marker, a letter from a medical or mental health provider (use this gender change letter template) OR a certified copy of a court-ordered change of sex

  • Fee ($60 for the amendment fee and one certified copy)

Other Helpful Resources

  • checklist for the process of correcting name and gender marker on official documents

  • guide to Alaska-specific procedures

  • Updating ID info support & resource page 

Financial resources for changing IDs


Workplace Gender Transition


Crisis Text/Chat Resources