A.R.E. Advocacy and Services
Constituents’ update on legislation that will affect LGBTQIA2S+ older adults.
Core of LGBTQIA2S+ volunteers to work with the Office of Long Term Care Ombudsman.
Education and training for providers of elder services around the state.
Engagement in policy matters and legislation affecting older LGBTQIA2S+ adults.
Inclusion of LGBTQIA2S+ older adults in Identity trainings and education.
LGBTQ+ older adults volunteer opportunities with the Special Olympics facility.
Monthly email newsletter or hard copy to subscribers. There is no cost, simply sign up with an email or phone call.
Monthly support group for LGBTQIA2S+ older adults in outlying areas via ZOOM and phone.
Outreach program to isolated LGBTQIA2S+ older adults.
Facebook page.
Articles and calendars in the Senior Voice.
Aid in accessing legal protection.